Monday, May 16, 2011

Sony's Playstation Network Is Back. Sony's Reputation Will Take A Little Longer [NewEnterprise]

Sony just announced that over the next several hours it will be flipping the lights back on in its Playstation Network that has been since hackers attacked it nearly a month ago.

The company announced a phased restart to its network starting with the Americas followed by Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the Middle East.

This incident has turned into a severe black eye for Sony. First the outage itself was bad enough, but then came the admission that customer account data for some 77 million people, including some 10 million credit card numbers, were compromised too. Sony now faces numerous lawsuits, along with official inquiries at various stages from regulators and lawmakers around the world. The attacks also affected its Sony Online Entertainment service, home to PC-based online games like Everquest and Star Wars: Galaxies.


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