Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Samsung Unveils the Galaxy Nexus A La Mode

Samsung and Google unveiled the latest flagship Android phone today called the Galaxy Nexus, which is running a version of the operating system called Ice Cream Sandwich.

The phone is big and powerful, boasting a 4.65-inch display and LTE, which is one of the fastest 4G networks available worldwide.

Based on demonstrations today, Ice Cream Sandwich marks the most polished version of Android yet. Improved usability will make it easier to conduct tasks in fewer steps, and an improved user interface has better graphics and typefaces.

It's too early to tell how evolutionary Android 4.0 is, or if it's more revolutionary. One of the tangible difference between it and Apple's iPhone new 4S is a built-in near-field communications chip, which will allow two users to tap with NFC-enabled phones to share any content on the phone from a map to a news article. It will also support mobile payments, including Google's own wallet.

From earlier:

Samsung and Google are gathering reporters in Hong Kong Thursday morning to talk about the next version of Android called Ice Cream Sandwich.


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