Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Microsoft: We Promise Not To Screw Up Skype.

Ha ha ha ha hah, conociendo a Microsoft eso no sera posible; ahora bien, si no joden entonces tenemos otra alternativa, Google Voice.

Microsoft's announcement Tuesday of it's $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype ellicited a broad spectrum of reactions–incredulity at the audacity of the deal and its price and, for some, concern that Microsoft's bold move to claim a leadership position in Internet telephony heralds the end of Skype as we know it today. That the company will somehow screw Skype up, ending or limiting support for the service on non-Microsoft products.

But CEO Steve Ballmer says that's not going to happen. Skype for iPhone and Android and Mac–those products aren't going anywhere. Microsoft will continue to develop for those platforms, because it's really in the company's best interests to do so. "We will continue to invest in Skype on non-Microsoft client platforms," Ballmer said during a conference call Tuesday.

Pressed on the issue later during a Q&A with reporters, Ballmer was even more adamant.


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