Monday, May 11, 2015

Work Home

Is this reliable? how would you fell working from home?, expending your own energy, food, home all the time?  sometimes we do not think before jump into a commitment like that.

This is different than been a freelancer, I mean, stay alone at home will give you some advantage but with people around.  this is different.  what would you have in mind to accept working at home.

Outsourcing call centers do that with special agents.  you have to acquire the facility to stay home, internet, electricity all the time, A/C if needed or if applicable, Food, a quite space to think, a phone, and it will be much better if the company pay for that, for sure I'll do it, that would be priceless.

Commitment and Professionalism it's required, discipline most of the time, you will be planning, coordinating, having conferences, reporting your own taxes and even better reporting your task to a third person that it's not next to you.

This could be a interesting journey and a beautiful experience to have. but now and days there's a lot of people in front of a wall worry because they don't have a job, waiting for someone to tell them -hey look to your right or left and you will find something to do make money-.

Call Centers, WebMasters, Writers, Data Input, Translations, Sales, etc.. you name it, the internet will give you the tools and the way, you don't even need to be at the place, you can be working as a webmaster, for example, at miami and live at montreal or vice versa.

The possibilities can be as much as your mind let's you fly out.

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