Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Leading Social Networks

Facebook is THE social network, 1.1 billion active users around the world and its leading the social online  environment so far.  Over 82 percent ad agencies are using Facebook as a marketing tactic, ahead of Twitter, LinkedIn.  will put this right here.

LinkedIn its Professionals oriented and it has interesting numbers, take a look to this:
  • 116M+ EMEA
  • 89M+ Europe
  • 68M+ Asia and the Pacific
  • 13M+ Southeast Asia
  • 6M+ DACH
  • ​15M+ MENA
  • 50M+ LATAM
This social network its available in over 20 languages, more than 200 countries and is interielly focused on business connections, employers and working professionals; allowing people to find jobs and companies the resources needed.  will put this as well:

Twitter!, let you use only 140 characters to express your Ideas. this social network its ranked as the Leading social networks worldwide based on active users. (True), now visible by google search and used by most important celebrities. more than 66.85 million followers.  will let this image here as well:

And now I will put all together:
  • Twitter  USD 37.50
  • LinkedIn  USD 197.04
  • Facebook USD 80.48

which one would b e the best, I think all of them works, all of them gives you the opportunity to spread what you have.  but let's see this on business way, why this stock prices are so different?  is this because Facebook its the most visited? is this because LinkedIn its professional, is this because Twitter let you use just 140 characters?....  where is the wrong step? what can we see here?.  from my perspective I can say the trend its leading us to have more graphic people, people that don't like to read, lazy people oriented to just a picture or a video.

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